
Study Tips and Preparation Guide

 πŸ’‘ STUDY TIPS Hello #BLEPPnatics! ( pauso  LOL!πŸ˜‚) Honestly, I’m just an average individual who is not fond of studying at all. 😝 Might as well reading became my fastest way to sleep. πŸ˜… But of course, taking the BLEPP is a battle so I do need to eliminate these bad habits and I pursued big time to keep motivated and focused! ( Oftentimes I get easily distracted by the thoughts in my mind while reading.. like have you also experience reading an entire paragraph but didn’t comprehend any of it? Ugh! 😣). Fortunately, I will share some study tips that may help and inspire you in doing so. I included some links you can read more about as well. 1. Books to Read πŸ“š . You don't need a lot of books in doing your review, just 2 books are enough for you to cope up. You don't want to spend all your time reading several books containing the same thing. It will eat your time. So choose a reference that suits you. Some books can be too technical and some books are too simple.

REFERENCES: Books, E-Books/PDFs, Review Materials and Notes

      As a self-reviewee,  I've read and watched a lot of blogs and posts from the former batches about the references and techniques they had used in their review. TRUST ME. Been there, done that. πŸ˜‰ All of them stated the same and so I was! πŸ˜‚ I will share the same thing here but in detailed plus, I will give some extra reviewers exclusively  FOR YOU ! I am also going to share some links where you can download an e-book or pdf file of the courses you needed to read! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ So.. DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW, SHARE AND COMMENT!!! 😘 BOOKS     These are the books I have read and finished but if you have different books/authors other than these, it's ok as long as you may catch up on what has been covered on the table-of-specifications (TOS). See below the books and authors: Theories of Personality Book/s: 1. Theories of Personality ( 8th Edition ) by Jess Feist, Gregory Feist & Tomi-Ann Roberts Psychological Testing & Assessment Book/s: 1. Psychological Testi

Creating Schedule, Plans and Course Outline

     Are you a strong independent guy or woman?πŸ’ͺ🏻 Do you have a super hectic schedule but eager to take the Board Exam for Psychometrician?πŸ˜₯πŸ“† Working full-time? part-time? or you are just like me, being a full-time parent? I hope my story will help to inspire you on taking the same journey I had to become a Registered Psychometrician! 🌈😊 So here it goes...      By that time, I was a full-time mother πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦ of a one-year-old boy πŸ‘ΆπŸ». Just so you know, being a first-time parent is challenging.. you do all.) I really want to review for the boards so I did SELF-REVIEW and these were the stuff I did to plan my schedule and courses πŸ—“ (as well as the 'hanash' and quotationsπŸ“) just to ensure I was heading the right way before.     It was the toughest experience for me since I was a retaker back then ( the pioneer and experimental batch 2014 πŸ˜–πŸ˜ž) and I needed to cope up with the whole courses again to regain my knowledge and relearn everything. It has been necessary for m